
Sumedang: A Pioneer in Horticulture Development Dryland Area Project (HDDAP)


Sumedang: A Pioneer in Horticulture Development Dryland Area Project (HDDAP)

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Sumedang, May 9, 2024 – Great news has arrived for Sumedang Regency! The Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) has entrusted Sumedang as one of 13 regencies/cities in Indonesia to become a pilot project for the development of Horticulture in Dryland Areas or Horticulture Development Dryland Area Project (HDDAP).

This designation is a clear testament to Kementan’s recognition of Sumedang’s great potential in advancing the agricultural sector, especially in dryland areas.

Two Superior Commodities to Improve Farmer Welfare

The HDDAP program in Sumedang will focus on developing two superior commodities, namely vegetables and fruits. Vegetables will be planted in four subdistricts: Pamulihan (2 villages), Tanjungsari (2 villages), Sukasari (1 village), and Rancakalong (1 village). Meanwhile, Gedong Gincu mangoes will be developed in three subdistricts: Jatigede (7 villages), Tomo (3 villages), and Ujungjaya (3 villages).

The selection of these commodities is based on their suitability to the agroclimatic conditions and promising market potential. It is hoped that this program can increase the income of farmers in dryland areas and realize food security in Sumedang.

Full Support from Government and International Partners

The HDDAP program is funded by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). Kementan will play an active role in providing experts, supervision, mentoring, monitoring, and financial administration.

The Sumedang Regional Government, under the leadership of Acting Regent Yudia Ramli, enthusiastically welcomes this program. He is committed to providing full support and ensuring that the program runs successfully.

Improving Cultivation Quality and Opening Market Opportunities

The HDDAP program not only focuses on increasing production but also on improving cultivation quality and product processing. Farmers will receive training in Good Agriculture Process (GAP) and Good Handling Process (GHP) to ensure that the products they produce are safe and of high quality.

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In addition, this program will also help farmers market their products better. The establishment of Farmer Economic Groups (KEP) and the facilitation of market access, including export opportunities, are expected to increase farmers’ income and drive economic growth in Sumedang.

Cooperation and Collaboration for Program Success

Acting Regent Yudia Ramli invites all jajaran Pemda Sumedang and the community to work together to support the HDDAP program. Collaboration and synergy from all parties are the key to the success of this program in making Sumedang a pioneer in developing dryland agriculture that is prosperous and profitable.

Sumedang Sehati Towards a Bright Future

The HDDAP program is in line with the Sumedang Sehati (Sejahtera, Agamis and Demokratis) Vision initiated by the Sumedang Regional Government. It is hoped that this program can contribute to improving farmer welfare, strengthening the regional economy, and leading Sumedang towards a bright future.

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