
PT. Technolife Ready to Facilitate Nutritious Lunch with Modern Technology


PT. Technolife Ready to Facilitate Nutritious Lunch with Modern Technology

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Makan Siang Bergizi

HALLOSUMEDANG – Acting (Pj) Regent Yudia Ramli, accompanied by Regional Secretary Tuti Ruswati, visited PT Technolife in Jatinangor on Thursday (October 24, 2024).

The Pj Regent’s delegation was warmly welcomed by the Founder of PT Technolife, Evi Lusviana. During the visit, they discussed a collaboration plan between PT Technolife and the Sumedang Regency Government to facilitate a trial of Nutritious Lunch in Sumedang Regency using modern technology.

“Technolife is eager to participate by supporting the Nutritious Lunch trial with a modern model and technology,” said Yudia.

Pj Regent Yudia Ramli expressed his pride that Sumedang Regency is home to a company like PT Technolife, which possesses cutting-edge technology.

“Technolife has the potential to become an icon of Sumedang in the future, especially as Sumedang is currently intensively developing its technology sector,” he added.

Yudia was impressed and proud that Sumedang Regency has a company that could serve as a national example.

“Technolife can represent the motto ‘from Sumedang to Indonesia’,” he said.

According to Yudia, up until now, the Nutritious Lunch trials in Sumedang have been conducted using conventional methods, from the kitchen setup to the cooking process.

“Thankfully, during my visit today, I was shown a modern kitchen innovation by PT Technolife called the Satellite Kitchen. They demonstrated how meals can be quickly prepared without compromising the nutritional value through a freezing process,” Yudia explained.

Yudia further elaborated that since the Nutritious Lunch trial involves thousands of elementary school students in Sumedang, careful consideration must be given to how it is managed.

“In collaboration with Technolife, we will explore how to implement the presence of this modern Satellite Kitchen in schools. This way, there will no longer be a need to deliver meals to schools. The trial could last up to six days, with meals only needing to be reheated on-site. This is an extraordinary step with a forward-looking vision,” Yudia stated.

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Yudia also mentioned that the input from Technolife has been highly valuable for the Sumedang Regency Government in supporting the program.

“If we were to use conventional methods, it might work if there were only a few students. But we have around one hundred thousand elementary school students across Sumedang Regency. So, we need to utilize technology in both the cooking process and its support systems,” he added.

Meanwhile, Founder of PT Technolife, Evi Lusviana, stated that PT Technolife has long been conducting research related to Nutritious Lunch programs.

“We recognize that this is not an easy task. We want to contribute to the Sumedang Regency Government by ensuring that they can implement an end-to-end Nutritious Lunch program. It will be managed in a modern way without losing its nutritional value and served warm,” said Evi.

Evi further explained that her company plans to launch the Nutritious Lunch trial with modern methods starting from November 18, 2024.

“By managing it in a modern way, this will provide a solution for nutritious meals. This will enable the local government to meet the government’s demands for nutritious, timely, warm, and healthy meals for students,” she concluded.

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