
Sumedang Participates in the Provincial Grant Beauty Contest for Fiscal Year 2025


Sumedang Participates in the Provincial Grant Beauty Contest for Fiscal Year 2025

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Beauty Contest

HALLOSUMEDANG – The Sumedang Regency Government is participating in the Competitive District/City Grant Beauty Contest for Fiscal Year 2025 held by the West Java Provincial Government.

The Beauty Contest assessment was conducted virtually at the Sumedang Command Center, Monday (22/7).

In the assessment, Acting Sumedang Secretary Tuti Ruswati, accompanied by the heads of related regional devices, explained in detail various efforts to increase economic activities for food security and local economic empowerment.

The innovation that was carried out was titled “SAPERTOS KITU,” which stands for the Sentra Andalan Pertanian Organik Sumedang yang Berkualitas, Integrated, dan Unggul (Quality, Integrated, and Superior Sumedang Organic Agriculture Center).

“The background of this innovation is because there is a downward trend in rice production and productivity in Sumedang Regency. In addition, farmers’ dependence on chemical fertilizers is increasing, while their availability and access are increasingly difficult and limited,” said Tuti.

Therefore, continued Tuti, several mechanisms and activity designs were carried out, including strengthening farmer institutions, organic rice farming, marketing, and livestock farming.

“To strengthen farmer institutions, we form Farmer Economic Institutions (KEP) in the form of cooperatives. So, we hope that cooperatives will become managers of the SAPERTOS KITU innovation agribusiness, and environmental support will increase,” she said.

As for the convergence of activities, Tuti mentioned namely the sustainability of natural resources and the environment, improving village communities, economic growth, and improving public services.

“Economic growth is carried out by increasing productivity, reducing rice production costs, increasing product added value, organic fertilizer products from cow dung, and income from forage cultivation and feed processing,” she said.

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Tuti added that the success indicators of the SAPERTOS KITU innovation are seen from the level of effectiveness, investment opportunities, and job absorption.

“The level of effectiveness is 100 percent, supported by the existing conditions in the location which is an organic agriculture center and an organic rice industry that has been running for approximately three years by farmer groups,” she explained.

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