
Yudia Ramli Directly Monitors the Trial of the Nutritious Lunch Program at SDN Sirahcai


Yudia Ramli Directly Monitors the Trial of the Nutritious Lunch Program at SDN Sirahcai

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the Nutritious Lunch Program

HALLOSUMEDANG – The Acting Regent of Sumedang, Yudia Ramli, along with his staff, visited SDN Sirahcai, Jatinangor, on Tuesday (27/8/2024). This visit aimed to directly observe the implementation of the nutritious lunch program trial, which will later be implemented throughout Sumedang Regency.

Acting Regent Yudia not only inspected the readiness of facilities and infrastructure but also engaged in direct dialogue with the school principal and teachers to obtain valuable input. “We want to ensure that this program runs smoothly and provides optimal benefits for the students. Evaluations will continue to be conducted to make this program even more effective,” said Yudia.

This nutritious lunch program is expected to improve the health and nutrition of children, which in turn will support their academic achievements. Yudia emphasized, “Investing in children’s nutrition is an investment for the future of the nation. We want to create a generation that is healthy, intelligent, and ready to face challenges.”

The program trial will take place from September to October, with close monitoring from the Health Office and the Education Office. The local government hopes that the rate of malnutrition among schoolchildren can be reduced and their achievements improved.

The Principal of SDN Sirahcai, Devi Hadipuspita, explained that the school acts as a beneficiary in this program. The procurement of food is fully handled by the PKK Kecamatan (sub-district level Family Welfare Movement), while the school is responsible for distribution and reporting.

Devi added that the food menu provided meets balanced nutritional standards, with carbohydrates, protein, vegetables, fruit, and milk content. This program is very helpful for students, especially those from underprivileged families or broken homes. “There are 266 of our students who benefit from this program. This is truly meaningful for them,” said Devi.

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