
Sumedang Acting Regent Promotes White Revolution at Bojongloa 2 Elementary School


Sumedang Acting Regent Promotes White Revolution at Bojongloa 2 Elementary School

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White Revolution

HALLOSUMEDANG – In an effort to create a bright and healthy future generation, the Sumedang Regency Government continues to promote the White Revolution Movement among students. This time, the Acting Regent of Sumedang, Yudia Ramli, personally distributed milk cartons to the students of SDN Bojongloa 2, Buahdua District, on Tuesday (3/9/2024).

The Acting Regent, Yudia, emphasized that the White Revolution Movement is not just a continuation of the central government’s program, but also has an important mission to instill awareness of the importance of maintaining health from an early age as part of a clean and healthy lifestyle.

“We are here to continue the central government’s program related to ‘Enjoying Drinking Milk.’ This is our concrete step in providing protein intake which plays an important role in the development of intelligence,” he explained.

Seeing the extraordinary enthusiasm of the students in welcoming this program, Regent Yudia is optimistic that the White Revolution will succeed in creating high-quality human resources.

“I am very impressed with the enthusiasm of the children at this elementary school. They are so excited. It seems that all children like milk,” he said.

Furthermore, Yudia invited all relevant regional apparatus to collaborate with school principals and teachers so that children have easy access to consume milk.

“The Sumedang Regency Government together with school principals and teachers can encourage children to make milk their snack choice. Ideally, milk is available in every school canteen,” he concluded.

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